Better mornings with my new Moccamaster and morning pages

Updating this post from June 2021…I am still doing morning pages (almost) every morning. Since I wrote this original post, we’ve gone back to the office a couple of days a week. So I bring my notebook to the office and find a quiet corner to write out a few pages. And I still love my Moccamaster- it’s going strong almost a year later!

I love working at home- but these East Coast early morning conference calls are getting to be a little much! So I recently decided I needed to upgrade my morning routine a bit… morning pages are a wonderful addition, but frankly nothing beats a fantastic cup of coffee at 4:45am! And that’s where my new Moccamaster coffee maker comes in.

I’ve been a loyal Nespresso user for years- it reminds me of trips to Europe long ago (at least it feels like long ago at this point!) Just that sound of the capsule popping reminds me of the apartment we rented in Paris years ago. So the Nespresso isn’t going anywhere (other than the garage!) But it was time to upgrade the coffee situation. And where to start?

cup of coffee from my Moccamaster

Where I started with my research

I’ve been going down some YouTube rabbit holes (more on that later…), and it’s not hard to find lots of recommendations for coffee makers. When I stumbled on Mark Kwak’s channel, I was intrigued…

But I kept looking- I generally need to do a lot of research before I’ll commit to something like a coffee maker- since I know I’ll be living with it for years to come. And what brought me back to the Technivorm Moccamaster was the review from America’s Best- a very trustworthy resource for all kitchen items.

Moccamaster and morning pages were coming together!

What I purchased to get started

You’re gonna need a coffee maker… duh.

Technivorm Moccamaster coffee maker

And if you want to do it right, you’ll need a burr grinder for your coffee. Let me save you some time- just get this one. Thank me later. No, you don’t need to spend $500 on a coffee grinder.

Baratta Encore conical burr coffee grinder

Get good coffee!

bag of Henry's coffee
Based in San Francisco, Henry’s House of Coffee ships FAST- I sometimes get my order the day after I place it.

You’ll need some filters. The jury seems to be out on paper vs. gold-plated. I’m going with paper for easy cleanup.

#4 cone coffee filters, unbleached paper

And some place to store your beans…

Glass coffee bean container, air tight

Moccamaster and morning pages for the win

The result of the few minutes I spend every morning on coffee is a wonderful cup that helps me begin my morning pages. It just gets the day off to a great start. And there’s something special about that first cup of coffee, isn’t there? So I wasn’t terribly surprised to hear that that first cup has its own moniker: The Royale. I learned about this from Brian Koppelman, of Billions fame. I also found about about morning pages from him- I should pay more attention to his habits! Who knows what else I could pick up??

Moccamaster and morning pages are making for some really great, if early, mornings for me. Check it out yourself!

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Author: Amy

Living and working in the San Francisco Bay Area in California- I am always on the lookout for ways to enjoy life in California a little more