How to get enough protein while you travel

We are heading out for a little family beach vacation in a few days. And one thing on my mind is ensuring that I continue eating healthily. Getting enough protein while you travel can be challenging. But I’ve got a few strategies that I hope will keep me on track.

six organic eggs on white tray
Photo by Estudio Gourmet on

Start your trip out on a good foot

For me, getting off track can start early in a trip. Say, at the airport! So I have a plan for packing something for breakfast and lunch. And I will only allow myself to buy my standard non-fat latte at SFO. The upside of this approach is that I will save $30 (at least!) by not buying a bunch of junk in the terminal.

woman pouring cappuccino
Photo by Chevanon Photography on

Think through the scenarios and have a plan

This is where planning ahead can make the difference between getting enough protein while you travel…. or not. We are doing a standard beach resort vacation, so I know the rhythms of the family and our meals.

  • Breakfast- this family LOVES a buffet breakfast. Buffets are not a good environment for me in terms of eating protein. Sure, I’ll get some eggs. But I’ll also get some mini croissants, grapefruit juice, waffles, a bagel. See where I’m going with this? So I’ll be skipping the buffet and eating something light (and protein-packed) in the room (see below)
  • Lunch- this one is easy. Fish tacos or a salad with grilled fish. Maybe a few chips and salsa.
  • Snacks- this can be a minefield, but I’m going in prepared. I’m taking my own snacks (see below) and I’m planning on drinking lots of iced coffees and teas. And worse case scenario- if I’m starving- I’m ordering a plate of scrambled eggs. Weird? Sure, but who cares
  • Dinner- More fish, most likely. Vegetables. A salad. And perhaps splitting a dessert with Sophie

Add in lots of water and lots of movement, and I should be ok. If the nachos look incredible- I’m splitting them with Dear Husband and Sophie. It’s vacation after all!

Take some provisions and/or buy some along the way

I’m bringing a few things I ordered from Amazon in my suitcase. Yes, you may think it’s weird. But I like having options.

Can I tell you all how much I love these wasabi almonds?? You’ve got to be careful with portion sizes, but it’s a great source of protein when you travel.

Blue Diamond Wasabi & Soy Almonds

Breakfast is a tough one- but I’m not a huge breakfast eater these days. So this protein-packed oatmeal should be just enough.

Protein Oatmeal, Maple and Brown Sugar

Packets of tuna are perhaps an odd choice, but I am a big fan. Just don’t forget a fork or spoon.

Bumble Bee Tuna pouches

I might need something sweet- and I don’t like those “chemical” protein bars. So I’m bringing a few of these along in my bag.

Nature Valley Protein Granola bars

And of course, a bag of my favorite protein powder!

Bob’s Red Mill Whey Protein Powder

I’ve considered stopping at a grocery store for yogurt, milk, eggs- but I’m afraid Dear Husband will make fun of me 🙂 But that’s definitely an option during a lot of vacations.

A very nice side benefit is that I will likely save some money by bringing my own snacks!

Give yourself a bit of slack

You are on vacation, after all! I refuse to be one of those crazy people who refuse to eat out or aim for weirdly customized orders while on the road. You know those people- the “no dressing”, “no chips”, “no nothing” people.

At the same time, I want to hold on to my progress and continue to feel as good as I have been for the past month or so. There are a few things I am going to do- and let the rest go.

  • Continue exercising. This is a no-brainer for me, because I exercise pretty much every day, no matter where I am. But this will give me a bit of breathing room, knowing that my caloric expenditures aren’t dropping like a stone
  • Swim!! I’m going to take advantage of being at a beach resort to swim, swim, swim
  • Walk wherever we can. This one won’t be that easy, since we’ll be in a gated resort community. But taking a walk in the evening can be a nice way to wind down for bed

At a minimum, I’m going to make sure I get enough protein. And honestly, that takes care of a lot of risks. There’s only so many chips one can eat when getting 40 grams of protein every meal!

This is my first time traveling while trying to be so disciplined about getting adequate protein. I’ll report back on whether this approach was successful or not!

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Author: Amy

Living and working in the San Francisco Bay Area in California- I am always on the lookout for ways to enjoy life in California a little more