Mom-daughter bonding during college tours in NYC and Boston

Update in January 2023: In honor of Sophie starting her freshman year in Boston, I wanted to republish my recap of our trip together to see colleges. The process is complete!

My daughter Sophie and I seem to be in a routine of spending a week together each summer. And hard to believe it has been one year since our fun trip to Cabo. This year was a bit different; we traded the beach for a high school ritual this past week. Which meant spending 6 days doing college tours in NYC and Boston.

It was the first time Sophie had been to either city, and it had been a few years for me too. So we had a lot of fun exploring the colleges on her list, seeing a bit of the two cities, and spending time together. She’ll be going off to college (somewhere!) in a year, and I am savoring every moment with her. All our lives will be changing soon…

I’ll hit the highlights of our week together… starting with a stop at the Sour Patch Kids store in NYC. Honestly, what will they think of next??

Sour Patch Kids store
The things we do to make our kids happy 🙂
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