Visiting beautiful Alice Keck Park Memorial Garden

Living downtown in Santa Barbara has many advantages, and one of them is being able to walk so many places.  Between our home near the Mission and the main restaurant area of Santa Barbara is a series of parks.  Since we have lived in the area, Steven I have found our favorite, visiting Alice Keck Park Memorial Garden

Alice Keck garden

The land was donated anonymously to the city along with funds for the park in 1975.  After Alice’s death, it was announced that she was the donor of the land.  The garden includes a plant and tree self-guided tour, as well a large pond with ducks, turtles, and a gazebo.  It is a beautiful place to walk through or just stop and have a picnic.

After a particularly exhausting work day, I decided that visiting Alice Keck Park garden would be a perfect way to wind down. And through some research I did on the garden, I think Alice would have approved. Apparently, “introspective and prone to attacks of paranoia, Park ultimately spent much of her time traveling in Europe, before returning to Santa Barbara.” I am sure this lovely garden would have been a place of refuge for her, like it is for so many of us in Santa Barbara.

Alice Keck Memorial Garden, 1500 Santa Barbara St, Santa Barbara, CA 93101