Casual friendly lunch at Heroic Italian in Berkeley

It’s great fun to try new places around the Bay Area. Restaurants have had a tough time of it over the past few years. And so many places have gone out of business- perhaps forever? So when I find a cool place to try, I try to organize an outing asap. We need to do our best to keep experiences like lunch at Heroic Italian in business!

lunch at Heroic Italian

I didn’t realize until now that Heroic Italian is actually a (small) chain- there’s one in SF and in Beverly Hills too. Fancy! 🙂 And since we love Italian food in this family, convincing Dear Husband and Sophie to accompany me to lunch at Heroic Italian was not hard.

I must admit that I am still experiencing sticker shock when dining out. Things have gotten so expensive! So I have a hard time telling you that lunch at Heroic Italian is “a good deal” or “great value.” But the food was good, and the fellow managing it was very friendly. I am sure that the prices reflect that cost of doing business in a challenging location. But still, wow.

Part of the fun of having lunch with Sophie and Dear Husband is playing “Hypertheticals.” It was a stocking stuff from Santa 🙂 and it’s a great way to foster conversation. Especially when Sophie’s iPhone can seem a lot more interesting than her boring parents!

Hypertheticals (50 Questions for Insane Conversations)

I really love going out for a long lunch on a Saturday. It feels very indulgent and European. And I guess I just need to get used to $19 sandwiches and $27 plates of 8 raviolis. Such is life in 2023!

Heroic Italian, 2020 Kittredge Street, Berkeley CA 94704

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Author: Amy

Living and working in the San Francisco Bay Area in California- I am always on the lookout for ways to enjoy life in California a little more