How to check in with your style and closet

I think doing a little check-up on your style and closet is always a good idea. Life changes, you change, styles change. So when I picked up on these two tools, I wanted to share them with you all.

Are you impressed by that one red sweater? Me too. (But I haven’t worn it yet :))

First tool: using data to determine what clothing you need for your actual life.

I love her approach- I love data! And what I realized from actually quantifying my clothing needs. Guess what? I have a tendency to buy for a life that I don’t actually live. I love “smart casual” but I live a more sporty casual life. So fewer wool pants and blazers- more leggings!

This doesn’t mean that I have no use for my sweater collection. I just have to make a point of wearing them with my more athletic gear. So you’ll see me with tights and cashmere sweaters more and more. Lining up my style and closet with my life.

Second tool: try out the 75 Hard Style Challenge

This feels like a natural add-on to tool #1. This challenge encourages you to shop your own closet and follow these rules:

  • Get dressed (intentionally) everyday for 75 days
  • Document your daily outfits
  • Do not buy anything new
  • Set your challenge goals/intentions
  • Get creative and rely on your own brain for inspiration
  • Organize + clean out your closet

-Source: Mandy Lee

I think the key word is “intentionally”- which to me means caring about what you are wearing! Making an effort. For 75 days! But at the end of that 2+ months, I think I’m going to be wearing a few things that have been lingering in my closet (like that red sweater above!) and feeling more inspired. We shall see!

Contemplating death on the Peloton bike

Sometimes, during the monotony of a Peloton ride (sorry, Matt Wilpers, but it’s true), I think about my parents- both of which are dead. And my level of the family tree is up next. One day, 6 months after my death, there will be one of those little green leaves, linking to my death certificate.

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And after many hours in Zone 2 and 3, contemplating death, I’ve landed on two insights.

  • The ability to move is so precious. Don’t give up your strength or mobility without a fight! A lot of people would love to be able to pedal along as I am doing in that moment
  • Life is too short to do things that you hate. If you are trying to build a habit, it’s so important to find a way to love it. If Peloton isn’t your thing, find something that is. Because, guess what, we’ll all be dead at some point and there’s no point being miserable

OK, that’s my PSA on contemplating death for the day. Carry on.

Fly to Paris just for socks??

Since my last post, I’ve gone deep on the topic of beautiful socks. Yes, there is such a thing! And I’ve found a new place to add to my next-visit-to-Paris list: Mes Chaussettes Rouges (perfect name, BTW). Want to join me? We’re flying Air France La Premiere, of course!

And once we’re there, apparently we need, truly need, some Gammerelli socks, made in Rome since 1798. The fashion world has moved on from red (just as I started wearing them- of course.) We’ll be picking up a few pairs in violet.

Don’t forget your passport!

I love Liberty of London! (with a stop at a super cool bar)

I’ve been dreaming about London and thinking about our next visit. Dear Husband is thinking “we were just there!” but for all you fellow lovers of London, you know what I mean. I wanted to share a few pics from a stop at Liberty of London to inspire your travel plans. And share a suggestion for a very cool bar nearby…

Entrance to Liberty of London
Entrance to Liberty of London
Continue reading “I love Liberty of London! (with a stop at a super cool bar)”

How to pull together a quarterly financial review for your family

My timing couldn’t be much worse for this topic- the financial markets are a mess! But pulling together a quarterly financial review is something that needs to be done, rain or shine. So I wanted to share how we went about doing this for Q3 2022, and perhaps give you some inspiration to do the same.

Creating an agenda for our quarterly financial review discussions
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Fantastic (but expensive!) lunch at Slanted Door in City Center

It’s the anniversary of meeting my Dear Husband (22 years ago!) so we celebrated with a great lunch at Slanted Door in City Center. It’s a pretty new shopping area at Bishop Ranch in San Ramon, and it’s got a lot of buzz. I am sure the pandemic did it no favors. But now most of the stores are open and it is hopping! And the Asian restaurant Slanted Door has opened an outpost there, so we made a visit for a celebratory lunch.

City Center Bishop Ranch
Love the sprinklers!
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