Getting ready to send a child back to college

I can’t believe the summer is almost over. Schools are back in session here in the Bay Area. And now it’s time to say goodbye to Sophie as she heads back to Boston. She’ll be a sophomore this year, and I’ve got a few tips on how to send a child back to college in the best way possible.

Welcome home sign
The time has flown by since we greeted Sophie at SFO with our homemade sign

I was going to repost my post on all the fun legal forms you need to complete for your newly adult child. But I know that all of you have already taken care of that (right?) And while I do have a few admin tips below, my thoughts on how to best send a child back to college are a bit more fun than that.

Do some fun things

It’s easy to fall into “get organized” mode. (More on that below). But instead, try to focus on making some family memories that everyone will enjoy. This summer has been tough, with a lot of individual travel and an intense work schedule. So the evenings and weekends are precious. We’ve gone to museums. Done some hiking. Played with Cheddar. Made cookies. Went to the movies. Sophie will be ready to spend time with people her own age!

dog on a hike
Sophie has been spending lots of time with Cheddar in these last few days.

There is some admin that needs to be done

Alas, there are some things that need to get taken care of before Sophie’s departure. Everyone’s list will be a little different, but here’s what we’ve been doing.

  • Working with Sophie to update her resume
  • Discussing ideas on summer internships for next year
  • Renewing Sophie’s dorm room insurance policy with Lemonade
  • Agreeing on the school year budget- allowances, books and supplies, etc.
  • Applying for Sophie’s first credit card

All of these things could be done remotely- with us in California and Sophie in Boston. But it’s infinitely easier to do it while in the same room. Especially the credit card application! (more to come on that one) It would have been hard to coordinate the uploading of the 15+ documents needed for the application without being face to face.

Plus once Sophie is back at school, let’s face it- she’s going to be distracted. Getting some of this boring stuff done before she leaves is just smart.

Get ready to be empty-nesters (again)

Dear Husband and I will need some time to get used to rattling around the house alone again. But we’ve done this before- we may not be experts yet, but we’re getting there. A few things have worked well in the past year, as Sophie has jetted off around the world.

  • Schedule time to see friends (particularly those in the same boat)
  • Make plans for some adventures together and apart
  • Put the final touches on our plans with Sophie at Christmas

We’re going to miss her so much-but we’re also excited to hear how her first Fall in Boston goes. Autumn at college in Boston is a pretty peak experience, and I’m looking forward to lots of photos of Sophie petting dogs amidst the fall foliage!

Author: Amy

Living and working in the San Francisco Bay Area in California- I am always on the lookout for ways to enjoy life in California a little more