Longing for London: Special exhibits at the V&A museum

Update for July 2022: I’m republishing a couple of my favorite London focused posts because, well, I’m in London right now! 🙂 I’ve got a whole day planned for the V&A, plus a stop into the Design Museum nearby. I’m not a huge Beatrix Potter fan, so I might skip that exhibit. But the permanent collection is always a draw…Photos to come in a future post…. Cheers!

Y’all, I am getting really antsy on the travel front. And I know that many of you are also getting a little stir-crazy. There have been numerous articles about the pent-up demand for travel; the end of 2021 and into 2022 are going to be nuts. And the first place on my list is London, my favorite city in the world. I’m going to share some of my London favorites over the next few posts, and I’m starting with the best museum- the V&A museum.

When a man is tired of London, he is tired of life, for there is in London all that life can afford.

Samuel Johnson

Pink Floyd: Their Mortal Remains

What brought up the V&A in my mind, you might ask? Well, I recently heard a Pink Floyd song and I thought back to seeing the special exhibit on the band in 2017- Pink Floyd: Their Mortal Remains. Although it’s closed now, there are a few videos out there that try to capture what an amazing exhibit it was.

I know this sounds crazy, but I actually got a little verklempt watching the video. I went to the exhibit with Sophie- she was only 13 at the time- and I remember watching her face as she heard Pink Floyd’s amazing music, paired with the exhibit visuals, for the first time. And I missed the innocence and joy of that day, spending time with my darling daughter, doing something I loved.

On now…Bags: Inside Out

I’ll be honest; an exhibit on bags is probably not going to be as breathtaking as one on one of the world’s best bands. But I do love bags and I love beautiful craftsmanship. And bags are hitting the V&A sweet spot of design and history- so I have no doubt that it is amazing.

The exhibit closes in September 2021. I’m not optimistic about making it to London by then.

Coming in 2022: African Fashion

So what do we have to look forward to at the V&A? Just this week, the V&A announced that its next major exhibit will be a celebration of African fashion. Sounds interesting! It opens in June 2022 and will run through April 2023. God, I hope I’m back to London by then…

V&A Museum, Cromwell Road, London, SW7 2RL

Author: Amy

Living and working in the San Francisco Bay Area in California- I am always on the lookout for ways to enjoy life in California a little more