A beautiful package from London’s Choosing Keeping

Update for July 2022: I’m republishing a couple of my favorite London focused posts because, well, I’m in London right now! 🙂 I will definitely be stopping by Choosing Keeping during my visit. Maybe I need a new notebook? (when do I not need a new notebook!) Photos to come in a future post…. Cheers!

It’s never a bad day when you get a DHL package- it likely means you just received something from an international shop! I’ve written about how special Choosing Keeping in London is earlier this year. I’m back to share what how beautiful Choosing Keeping packaging is. Other stationery companies should take note 🙂

Choosing keeping sticker
The beautiful packaging starts on the DHL box.

You have to specify when you order that you want the special wrapping- I think it costs about $5? But it’s such a treat to receive these little presents to yourself that I think it’s worth it. Plus, I am keeping the paper for other uses, so it won’t go to waste.

packages from Choosing Keeping

I mean, come on, how pretty is this?

wrapped package from Choosing Keeping
wrapped box from Choosing Keeping

We’ve gotten so lazy in my house that we put everything in gift bags now. We don’t even bother with tissue or anything! For our anniversary, I left everything in its amazon boxes and bags. It really wasn’t an enticing presentation. This Choosing Keeping packaging is inspiring me to up my game a little for the upcoming holiday season.

And if you are really organized, you can get 10% off all their Christmas items. And they have some adorable ornaments, cards, and other decorations. I bought some pretty envelopes which apparently counted as holiday-themed and got an unexpected 10% off.

Lamy cp1 mechanical pencil

What was in my little selection of prettily wrapped Choosing Keeping packaging? Aside from some envelopes and a few other small things, I ordered this wonderful Lamy mechanical pencil. It’s very slim and it fits in the pen loops of a couple of my 2022 planners. It writes like a dream.

Can’t wait to get back to London! Choosing Keeping is on my list of must-dos when we are there next time.

Choosing Keeping, 21 Tower Street, London WC2H 9NS

Author: Amy

Living and working in the San Francisco Bay Area in California- I am always on the lookout for ways to enjoy life in California a little more