Rancho La Puerta Resort reopening after six months

Rancho La Puerta Wellness Resort and Spa in Tecate, Mexico has a special place in our hearts. Kate and I have been visiting the Ranch, together and separately, since 1999. And since September 6th was the grand Rancho La Puerta reopening after being closed since mid-March due to COVID-19, we wanted to share some of our memories of our times there. And we hope that you’ll consider making a trip to help support the community and the people who have worked there for years. They’ve got to be struggling during this tough time.

Our history with the Ranch

Kate has been to the Ranch six times since 1999, and I’ve been there five times. And each time we’ve gone, either one or both of us has been experiencing big life changes. During our various visits, we’ve at times been going through job changes, grad school graduations, dating and then marriage, buying houses, health challenges- you name it! Luckily, there’s space and time at the Ranch to process all of it, and plenty of opportunities for long talks, lots of laughs, and some quiet solo time too.

We spent the last full week the Ranch was open in March together with our friend Lauren, and it felt like something big was about to happen. And we were right about that! But now with Rancho La Puerta reopening, we can plan our next trip and recommend that you do the same.

Gorgeous setting

What else can you say- the Ranch is breathtaking! Kate and I highly recommend that you roust yourself from bed at least a few mornings early enough for the various hikes through the Kuchumaa mountains near the Ranch. It’s a glorious way to start the day- and you’ll feel like you earned your breakfast!

The landscaping of the Ranch is beautiful too- lots of lavender, rosemary, succulents, flowers. There’s something beautiful to see in every corner.

Healthy break from everyday life

If you’ve been reading our blog for a while, you have probably figured out that Kate and I both focus a lot on fitness and healthy eating. But we’re not always perfect (ha! far from it :)) and a week at the Ranch gives us a chance to pause, refocus, and recommit to our goals. Plus we both love trying some new things, like battle ropes and cardio drumming.

Sometimes my favorite memories are simply sitting by the pool after a long day of exercising, or trying out the (painful!) reflexology path. It seems to be a traditional for us to try it out and squeal in pain as those sharp stones remind us to take better care of our feet 🙂

Spending time with friends and family

Since Kate and I started visiting the Ranch in 1999, we have lived very close (in the same apartment), lived far (San Francisco and Seattle), and lived pretty close (Moraga and Santa Barbara.) No matter the distance, it is great to reconvene at the San Diego airport and spend a week together. And sometimes friends join us- we’ve gone twice with Kate’s old friend Lauren. It’s nice to shake it up with a third sister!

It’s so great to catch up with each other, have a lot of laughs, and talk about some deep topics that we might not do over text or Marco Polo.

COVID-19 protocols

Like all the other hotels in Mexico and worldwide, the Ranch has a strict set of protocols to protect guests and Ranch employees. I would be lying if I told you that I didn’t think these new practices will impact some of the things that I love about the Ranch. However, we all have to adapt to the New Normal, and I’m just glad to know that people will get to experience some of the magic of the Ranch after six long months.

And I haven’t even shared some of the best parts!

The spa, the food, the fitness classes, the evening lectures, the cooking classes- really, it’s endless. You will not be bored!

So, when you are ready to travel again, please do consider a trip to Rancho La Puerta. I’m not exaggerating when I predict that there’s a good chance it might change your life. At a minimum, you will get a well-deserved perspective change from our lives over the past six months.

Rancho La Puerta, Carretera Mexicali-Tijuana K.M, Rancho la Puerta, 21520 Tecate, B.C., Mexico

Author: Amy

Living and working in the San Francisco Bay Area in California- I am always on the lookout for ways to enjoy life in California a little more

2 thoughts on “Rancho La Puerta Resort reopening after six months”

    1. I wish I could have been there! I’m jealous that you were 🙂 I never sleep better than when I’m at the Ranch…

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