How to actually use a 529 plan to pay for college expenses

After saving for Sophie’s education for almost 18 years, it’s almost time to use our 529 plan for college expenses. I’m just starting out on the journey of sticker shock 🙂 But I can tell already that I’m going to need to get seriously organized if I’m going to do this right. So here’s what I’ve learned, as a high school senior parent. It’s a bit complex- using a 529 plan to pay for college. I’ve learned a bit, but no doubt more lessons are to come!

brown and black wooden chairs inside room
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The unexpected expenses of having a senior in high school

(I’m updating this post from September 2021 based on my insights after 6 months into senior year. As I should have expected, it’s getting more expensive!)

I like to think that I am a pretty well-prepared person. And I also consider myself to be quite on top of finances and forward-thinking in terms of what costs are coming up. But the expenses of having a senior in high school really surprised me, and I’m a bit caught off guard. So I’m hoping that I can share my experience- so you will be better prepared than I was!

Boston College
It’s going to take a lot of money to get Sophie here!
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