Best pizza in Santa Barbara?? Revolver Pizza

There is a new kid in town, and I am talking about Revolver Pizza. I had heard about this place from a few people and had to try it this weekend.  It might be the best pizza in Santa Barbara!

Revolver Pizza is not your typical full-service pizza shop. They only offer four kinds of pizza and two salad options.  And you aren’t going to be dropping in, spur of the moment, to pick up a pizza. You have to call a few hours in advance to order the pizza- no 30 minute turnaround here!

And I have heard sometimes no one answers or they tell you – “sorry we are sold out for the day!”  I am not sure if the limitation is pizza oven space or ingredients, but either way you have to plan ahead. (or maybe they are creating artificial scarcity??) In some ways, it makes it a bit more special when you “win” the pizza lottery.

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