Thoughts on surviving August, the worst month of the year

I am not a fan of August, as you can tell from the title of this post! And I am not alone in this sentiment; many others can’t stand the worst month of the year either. But alas, it’s not going anywhere, so I’ve thought of some tips for surviving August. Maybe even love it? No way in hell. (Because August feels like hell, let’s be honest.)

brown tree on green grass field
This looks so pretty, but it’s August, so it’s 95 degrees and humid. Photo by Markus Spiske on

Stay cool and refreshed, as best you can

This is the time of year to go overboard with the icy cold everything. This includes beverages, swimming, and misting fans. I will be hitting the pool as frequently as I can. And I’ve picked up a couple of things to cool me down when I’m at home.

I’ve been intrigued by misting fans for a while. And they truly do make an outdoor space feel so much cooler. Not cheap, but worth it!

Outdoor Patio Misting fan

I am a Texas gal- I live on iced tea, year round. But in August?? I take it to a whole new level. So after years of buying those big jugs from Trader Joe’s, I invested in this iced tea maker. It’s saving money and it’s fun to try some new flavors.

Iced Tea Maker

Dream of (and prepare for) Fall

The most obvious diversion in this area is fashion-related. I hate to say it, but if you are in the mood for something particular for Fall, you might need to buy it in August. Some of the good stuff goes fast. I actually read somewhere that if you aren’t sweating when you are buying Fall/Winter clothes, you are doing it wrong!

That said, August is probably best spent planning for Fall fashion, rather than shopping. (And this is why I really wish I had a log of all my Fall clothing. It would prevent me from buying the 4th camel colored sweater…) I might recommend doing your closet switchover in August, but that would be a ludicrous recommendation. After all, we still have THREE months of heat to come. Plus something about it being 105 degrees outside makes me loathe every woolen item I try on. But planning, I can do. And that usually means watching videos by some of my favorite European YouTubers, who can actually expect some Fall-like weather in September, and plan accordingly.

As a stationery and planning nerd, the best part of Fall is the new calendars and planners that come out (yes, it’s a thing). So for like-minded nerds, much of August is spent strategizing about 2024 planners. You can even sign up for notifications of planner releases. I’ve noticed that Smythson has already released some of their 2024 planners. So if this is up your alley, you can occupy much August free time dreaming of next year.

One thing I like to do for Future Amy is start doing the yard cleanup in August. Sure, it’s miserable outside. But Amy in November is SO glad that August Amy started trimming back the wilting lavender and sad-looking rosemary- lessening the Fall chores. So get out your trimmers and garden trug and start pruning back those brown and fading plants.

Don’t bother planning a getaway

I know a lot of people think that getting a vacation in during August is a great idea. But there is NOWHERE to go! Unless you are heading to Australia, it’s going to be hot and yucky everywhere. The only way you are surviving August is by sucking it up and moving through it. Escape is impossible!

  • East Coast- forget it. It’s hot as hell. I’ve lived through 4 NYC Augusts and they were dreadful. I’m heading to Charlotte in August for work, and I’m already thinking about the linen items I will be wearing the entire time
  • Mid-west- yeah, also nasty. Don’t even have the visual consolation of seeing the ocean
  • West Coast- we used to be a potential haven from August, but no longer. Forest fires, drought, hot wind. Really just not nice
  • Europe- after numerous August experiences across Europe, it’s just too risky to try plan a trip to escape. Even the high mountains get hotter than one would expect
  • Asia- I’m not even going to dignify that idea with a response

And enjoy the few comforts that August provides…

I had a hard time with this list, that’s how much I loathe August. But there are some positives, so let’s focus on those:

  • Farmers Market is really amazing- as long as you get there early! No one likes trudging around in a parking lot in 100 degree weather, despite the excellent peaches and corn
  • No makeup! No doing your hair! No dressing up of any kind! What’s the point- you’ll just sweat it all up. So enjoy the final month of low maintenance. Something about September always makes me feel like I need to make more of an effort
  • (and I’m really stretching here…) The stores start stocking Halloween candy. And the Spirit Halloween stores open up. Do with that information what you will!
Spirit Halloween store
Perhaps one of the only saving graces of August.

That’s it, y’all. I couldn’t think of another saving grace of surviving August. It’s 31 long days- let’s just grit our teeth, turn up the A/C and look forward to November!

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Author: Amy

Living and working in the San Francisco Bay Area in California- I am always on the lookout for ways to enjoy life in California a little more

6 thoughts on “Thoughts on surviving August, the worst month of the year”

  1. Actually, the Pacific Northwest is quite ideal in August. Portland. Vancouver, Victoria, and my mom’s historical home — Seattle — are perfect. No humidity and the temps rarely crack 80. The scenery is spectacular. Plan your trip today! — Dear Husband

    1. And I think you did just that- scheduled a trip for August! Alas, my only August travel will be to lovely Charlotte. Super excited about that! 🙂

    2. Perhaps Seattle and Vancouver have nice Augusts. I’ve lived in Portland for 16 years and I can confidently say Portland no longer does.

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