Why November is the best month in Lamorinda

Note to readers: I’m reposting what I wrote last year on why November is the best month ever. All I can say is- it’s still true! 🙂 But this year, I am making a promise to myself to try to enjoy it more, each of the 30 glorious days….

Fall in Northern California is an amazing time. It can be hot, it can be cold and rainy. Frequently, and sadly, it can be filled with stories of fires and power shutoffs. This year, it is particularly lovely. The early October rains (we don’t usually get significant rain until December) has meant the fire risk is much lower than normal. And some of the hills are already getting green after months of browning. November in Lamorinda is my favorite month, and I’d like to share a few snapshots to explain why.

Moraga in Fall
That bright blue sky of the Bay Area in Fall

What is Lamorinda, you may ask? Lamorinda is the name for three towns just outside of San Francisco in the East Bay, Lafayette, Moraga, Orinda- hence the name Lamorinda. It’s a wonderful place to live, with lots of open space and a nice quiet feel.

Orinda Library
Crunchy leaves outside of the Orinda Library

And since the drought is taking a break for Fall, the Library can run the fountain without guilt.

Orinda Library fountain

The weather can still be nice in November, and I love to take advantage of the last opportunities to relax outside. Here’s my favorite breakfast these days- steel cut oatmeal and green tea. (here’s the recipe!)

breakfast outside

And I love the quirkiness of this area. Funky people, interesting little stores… lots of personality everywhere.

Lamorinda sidecar
funny sign at pet shop

And of course, the leaves are just gorgeous. As Sophie and I drive around, we notice bright red, yellow, orange leafed trees peeking out.

crunchy fall leaves

I am sure that every area of the country has a lovely Fall, but I am particularly a fan of the Lamorinda ones. We must enjoy every day of this fleeting time- the Christmas craziness will be here before we know it!

Author: Amy

Living and working in the San Francisco Bay Area in California- I am always on the lookout for ways to enjoy life in California a little more