Learning how we self-sabotage with the Saboteurs quiz (with tips for getting better!)

Something about starting the Fall season has me 1) reaching for a sweater and 2) taking on a new project. And one project that never ends is the quest for self-improvement. I recently learned about how we self-sabotage through a webinar at work, and I thought I’d share this great new resource: the Saboteurs quiz.

student cheating during an exam
Taking a quiz! Don’t worry, no need to be stressed 🙂 Photo by RODNAE Productions on Pexels.com
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What parents need to do when a child turns 18

Sophie is very, very close to turning 18. While it feels like she is still our little baby (she would hate my writing that!) the fact is that she is legally going to be an adult. And that means that Dear Husband and I need to work with Sophie to transition some responsibilities to her. And continue to have the option to support her in various ways, if needed.

Sophie with friends at her summer job- still 17 here!
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Getting ready for adulthood with self-defense training

Sophie is heading out into the world very soon- with travel and college in her immediate future. She’s lived a pretty sheltered life, here in Northern California. And I wanted to make sure she is ready for whatever may come her way. At the top of my list was a self-defense training course- which we finally took care of this weekend in San Francisco.

two women
Getting ready to start our IMPACT self-defense training course!
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Amazing craftsmanship at the Waterford Crystal visitor center in Ireland

I’m slowly catching up on all the cool stuff I want to share from our trip to England and Ireland this summer. And although nothing can beat a trip to Hampstead Heath, our stop by the Waterford Crystal visitor center was pretty amazing too.

Waterford Crystal visitor center sign
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How to prepare for becoming an empty nester

Sophie is graduating from high school next week. I still can’t believe it- how can this be?? And I am starting to realize that becoming an empty nester can go smoothly…or it can go quite badly. I am determined to make the best of it!

Nesting coots, Victoria Park, Belfast - June 2014(1)

Fly away little bird!
Nesting coots, Victoria Park, Belfast – June 2014(1) by Albert Bridge is licensed under CC-BY-SA 2.0
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Three powerful podcasts on Ukraine to get up to speed quickly

Like many of you, I have been incredibly moved by the situation in Ukraine. And I’ve been reading and listening to as much content as possible, in order to better understand what we are facing. And what we might do to resolve this terrible situation. After absorbing so much info, I wanted to share a few podcasts that have made the biggest impact on me. Depending on how much time you have, you can add an additional podcast to broaden your knowledge.

I have really tried not to choose any podcasts that are overly partisan- frankly, I’m not interested in that spin whatsoever. So I am hopeful that everyone can find something that resonates with them from my picks.

a kid protesting against the war in ukraine
Photo by Matti on Pexels.com
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