Great California online shop: Baum-Kuchen

You all know how nuts I am for stationery. I declared my love for it very early on in this blog. Since March, I have been going deep into the world of stationery and have found some wonderful online resources that I’ll be sharing with you soon. But I really want to highlight some of my California-based favorite online shops- and we are lucky to have Baum-Kuchen located in Southern California. What a cool California online shop!

It starts off with lovely packaging…

I recently received an order from them, and I wanted to share the beautiful packaging and products I received.

Fragile sticker
I love the sentiment. It comes through in everything Baum-Kuchen does, from their website to the lovely order confirmation email that I received.

I think more people are starting to discover some of the great online resources for stationery and office supplies, now that we are working from home and having to supply them ourselves. Some people are lucky enough to have their employers paying for all the pens and paper! Others, like me, have to spring for it themselves. But I think once people experience the wonderful products of companies like Baum-Kuchen, it will be hard to go back to Staples! And supporting a California online stationery shop feels like the right thing to do.

The packaging is just lovely, even down to the receipt. And the quote is terrific… don’t seek perfection- make mistakes!

make new mistakes,

make glorious

amazing mistakes,

make mistakes

nobody has

ever made before.

Neil Gaiman

As much as I love getting an Amazon package, wow, it can’t really compare to the custom touch of something like this.

Gorgeous artisanal stationery items

So what was in those two lovely packages?

The first was a terrific Japanese pencil/pen dish from a company named Classiky. I may be a dog person, but this cat is pretty cute. I’ll definitely be checking out other products from them.

Next up were a few a washi tapes. I am feeling the color blue these days, as you can tell. I also picked up a little stamp that says “Trust the process.” It reminded me of a tour I took of the Pixar Studios in nearby Emeryville- there was a sign declaring “Story is Process” on the wall in a common area, and it resonated with me.

Finally, I picked up this set of clear stamps which can be customized to the user’s needs. I saw a Youtube video from one of my stationery inspirations on using these to make her own washi tape and I loved it. So here we are!

It’s so fun to find a great online resource like Baum-Kuchen based right here in California. Supporting small businesses feels very important these days. And what a joy to receive a package like this in the mail.

Do tell- have you found any cool online resources in California or beyond? Any new hobbies you are indulging in these days? We’d love to hear from you in the comments.

Author: Amy

Living and working in the San Francisco Bay Area in California- I am always on the lookout for ways to enjoy life in California a little more