How to get ready for James Bond and the release of “No Time To Die”

Fingers crossed, “No Time to Die”, the next James Bond movie (and final one featuring Daniel Craig) will finally be released in theaters on October 8th. The movie got caught up in the pandemic shutdowns, and apparently, streaming on Amazon Video isn’t good enough for James Bond! I am a HUGE James Bond fan (as is Dear Husband), which should probably be no surprise, given my love of all things British. And I’ve got three ways to get you ready for what looks like a great movie.

We were supposed to be “getting back to normal” by now. That seems a bit uncertain, for all the reasons you already know. So I’m making a deliberate effort to enjoy every occasion and special event when I can. And going to a movie theater for the first time in almost two years to see “No Time To Die” will be one of those occasions to savor. Experts say that anticipating an upcoming activity or trip is where a lot of the happiness and joy is. So here are three ways to anticipate and get ready!

Match a podcast with each of the past James Bond movies

OK, OK, maybe watching every James Bond movie is a bit much, especially if you aren’t a super fan like I am. But at least do yourself a favor and rewatch “Casino Royale” before seeing “No Time To Die.” It was the first of Daniel Craig’s James Bond forays and it is (IMHO) the best James Bond movie.

And pair it up with the matching podcast episode from the James Bonding podcast. The two Matts who host it are super fans just like me. I learned a ton from their commentary.

They also did a breakdown of one of the first “No Time To Die” trailer, back in December 2019- ah, back when we were innocent and thought the movie was coming out in 4 months.

Visit the Spy Museum in Washington DC

Any chance you are in DC or planning to be? There’s no better way to get in the James Bond spirit than a visit to the Spy Museum. We visited the museum in pre-COVID days and it was a highlight of our DC visit. There is indeed an entire floor devoted to James Bond, but there’s a lot more to the museum and an escape room adventure as well. (We did horribly in the escape room- there’s no chance that I’ll become a spy any time soon, much to my disappointment.)

Spy museum poster
Poster from the Spy Museum. Watch out for those sneaky femme fatales 🙂

Watch the “Being James Bond” documentary on Apple TV

Sadly, Daniel Craig’s James Bond run comes to an end with “No Time To Die”. So it’s great fun to look back at where Craig started. Two things jumped out for me from this documentary. First, Daniel Craig was quite a good actor even before James Bond. And second, he got really pumped up for the role. Truly transformed his body and presence. Inspiration for me and my attempt to do more Turkish Get Ups! 🙂

The documentary is about an hour long and it’s free on Apple TV.

There are a lot of reasons to be hopeful that our great reopening continues. Personally, I’m crossing my fingers that we can make it through mid October so I can see this darned movie! And perhaps I should have named my one daughter Vesper, rather than Sophie??? Hmmmm……

Author: Amy

Living and working in the San Francisco Bay Area in California- I am always on the lookout for ways to enjoy life in California a little more