Things I am loving right now

My attempt at frugality and simpler living in 2023 is continuing. And as a result, I’ve unsubscribed from lots of fun YouTubers and shops that are trying to tempt me to spend. Instead, I am steering to things I am loving that don’t involve any spending! And I must admit, it’s been fun to explore some new things that don’t involve endless returns to UPS 🙂

person using a macbook and holding a credit card
Put down that credit card! Photo by Karolina Grabowska on
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On finally seeing “No Time to Die” in the theatre

On Sunday, I finally made it to the movie theatre in Moraga to see “No Time to Die.” I’ve already written a bit about all the prep I did in advance of the movie. After two years of anticipation, I wanted to be ready for the movie! And since it has been well over two years since I stepped into a movie theatre, I treated myself to popcorn and junior mints. My favorite combo from childhood 🙂

Rheem movie theatre marquee
A gorgeous Fall Sunday to see a long awaited movie
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How to get ready for James Bond and the release of “No Time To Die”

Fingers crossed, “No Time to Die”, the next James Bond movie (and final one featuring Daniel Craig) will finally be released in theaters on October 8th. The movie got caught up in the pandemic shutdowns, and apparently, streaming on Amazon Video isn’t good enough for James Bond! I am a HUGE James Bond fan (as is Dear Husband), which should probably be no surprise, given my love of all things British. And I’ve got three ways to get you ready for what looks like a great movie.

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Amuse bouche*: Casino Royale

Heads up that the absolute best James Bond movie is coming back to Netflix on August 31. And that movie is indisputably 2006’s Casino Royale:

Quantum of Solace, the film that follows Casino Royale (by about 5 minutes!), will also be available. Critics didn’t love it when it was released, but they seem to be coming around. It does feature this memorable scene, which was filmed (partially) at Lake Garda, near where we spent a week last summer.

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