How to wake up inspired with daily meditations

Repost from October 2021: Kate and I have been exchanging thoughts on our Daily Stoic emails and it prompted me to repost what I wrote on daily mediations a couple of years ago. Holds true today!

I’m a big fan of my morning routines and a recent addition has been morning pages. There are days when writing three pages is no problem. I may have something on my mind that needs processing, or something big happened. But other days, well, I wake up pretty uninspired. That’s where these three sources of daily mediations come in. They are perfect for journaling prompts. And they are a great way to start each morning with a bit of philosophy.

nimbus clouds, daily meditations
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The Daily Stoic

I’ve mentioned it before, but The Daily Stoic is a terrific intro to stoicism. And it’s a lovely way to remind me of its core tenets. Namely- don’t worry about what you can’t control! Be kind. Be of service. So if you were only to pick one daily mediation, I’d suggest this book as a source.

The Daily Stoic: 366 Meditations on Wisdom, Perseverance, and the Art of Living

The Daily Laws

Although this book was recommended by the one of the authors of the Daily Stoic, Ryan Holiday, it’s a very different book. The author is this book, Robert Greene, has distilled down some of his other books into the daily reference. And as you will see from the title, it’s got a different slant on the world! It’s an interesting pairing with a daily meditation on stoic thinking- perhaps a bit more machiavellian?

The Daily Laws: 366 Meditations on Power, Seduction, Mastery, Strategy, and Human Nature

A Calendar of Wisdom

And my third choice for a daily meditation is a bit off the beaten path- it’s a book by Leo Tolstoy. Apparently it’s “written and selected from the world’s sacred texts.” It’s less of a recommendation on how to approach the day than a selection of 3-4 quotes from the Bible, “Chinese wisdom”, the Talmud, etc on a common theme. Today, the theme was the meaning of life (is that broad enough for you??) And here’s how it starts:

The meaning of life is revealed to those who are ready to accept the things that will be revealed. And it is he who has already decided that he will accept the truth as it is, and not the truth itself, which will change the way of life he has been accustomed to.

Leo Tolstoy

So it’s thought provoking, but I must admit that I’m not quite sure what to do with that insight. Sometimes I really need a swift kick in the head from stoicism- hey, you’re going to die! maybe really soon!- but there are times when something that I can ponder is more on point. If that describes you, this book might meet your need.

A Calendar of Wisdom: Daily Thoughts to Nourish the Soul

And now that we’re all supposed to be buying our holiday presents now, it might be worth picking up one or two of these books for a thoughtful friend. (And consider buying a used version- that’s what I try to do!)

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Author: Amy

Living and working in the San Francisco Bay Area in California- I am always on the lookout for ways to enjoy life in California a little more