It’s a new season! Switching to my Fall closet

There seem to be a lot of chores associated with the changing of the seasons. And autumn is no exception- my list includes a lot of yard work, preparing the backyard furniture for the rainy season, and more. One of the biggest chores is switching to my Fall closet. I must admit that last Fall, I was pretty lazy. I just added a few sweaters to my sweatpants/leggings pile, and I was done. But this year, I’m getting ready for the new normal. And I’m Marie Kondoing all of it!

a white wooden closet of a woman
Ummm, this isn’t my closet! Photo by Anastasia Shuraeva on

I’ve mentioned how I’ll be returning to the office at some point early in 2022 and what I’m doing to get prepared. Part of that involves making sure my wardrobe is ready to go. The last thing I want to do is squeeze myself into too tight pants πŸ™‚ on that first day back in the office… because I didn’t realize I’d gained the COVID 19! And I’m also starting to eye some of the Fall sales and realizing that I need to double check what I have before I start buying more stuff. (This is the reason I have 4 camel colored cashmere sweaters. Yes, 4)

piles of clothing on a bed
Fall clothing was hidden in the guest room closet. Yes, I like stripes!

I do have a funny ritual with the changing of the seasons. I have a dreadfully ugly pair of very high waisted khaki shorts from circa 1996 that I try on twice a year- Fall and Spring. If I can’t zip them up- well, time to re-evaluate the amount of Halloween candy I am consuming! And they did fit- hooray! And no, I’m not posting a photo…

khaki shorts
These shorts are unforgiving. If I can still fit in them, things can’t be going that badly πŸ™‚

Switching over your Fall closet can be a time-consuming but necessary activity. Here’s how I’m approaching the daunting task of going through it all.

Leave no stone unturned

I’m pulling it all out- the drawers, the closet, the storage bins, the downstairs coat closet. I have stuff everywhere! All the shoes, the underwear, the ratty t-shirts I sleep in. It’s all coming out for a close examination.

  • Is this ratty, worn out? Trash (don’t always try to donate- see why here)
  • Do I have too many of something? Does it not fit? Donate, sell or give to Sophie (who will likely try to sell on Poshmark!)
  • Do I still like it? Is it still “stylish”? (I’m not particularly trendy, but I am taking a close look at the jeans I’ve been wearing for 8 years!) Donate (maybe)
  • And of course, the old “if you haven’t worn it in X years, it’s time to get rid of it.” I am bad about this, but not this year!

One piece of advice is to closely examine underwear, bras, socks and workout clothing. They all get pretty hard wear and need to get a refresh pretty regularly.

You’ve got to get it all out. Witness this pile of (mostly) ratty t-shirts

Clean up the space

One of the most satisfying parts of this chore is cleaning up before I start putting stuff back. I’m getting out the all-purpose cleaner, rags, the vacuum and the mop before I start reassembling my Fall closet. It is amazing how much dog hair (sorry Cheddar!) collects on shelves and in between shoeboxes.

And make sure all your clothes are on matching hangers and that you have enough of them. It’s an old trick, but it does make things look nicer. I have been buying these- mainly because I don’t want to drive to the Container Store for nicer ones! Less than $0.50 a hanger…

Amazon Basics velvet hangers

Keep track of any gaps in your Fall closet and make a plan

We’re going to start seeing more sales on Fall clothing in the next month or so, so it’s good to be prepared with a shopping plan. I keep a pad and pen nearby during this whole exercise, so I can make notes for what gaps need to be filled. And keep in mind what you are discarding! There is nothing worse than donating a couple of camel colored sweaters, only to end up adding another one to your Fall closet in a month!

dresser drawer
This bottom drawer of my dresser needs a complete overhaul

What will I be picking up? I could use a navy sweater, and I was happy to see my favorite brand Vince has a few styles on sale, on amazon!

Vince Cashmere Funnel Neck Pullover

And these v-necks are really the best- I wear them all Fall and Winter.

Vince’s Weekend V-Neck cashmere sweater

And my bras are looking pretty sad. Time for a few new ones.

Natori wireless bras

What I DON’T need is more t-shirts, more workout leggings, and no more beach cover ups. I have definitely been aspirationally buying too much resort wear. Hello, I go to the beach maybe 1-2 times a year??

Switching to my Fall closet is a nice ritual that signals a new season. And it’s fun to rediscover some of the forgotten items from 6 months ago. Give it a try yourself!

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Author: Amy

Living and working in the San Francisco Bay Area in California- I am always on the lookout for ways to enjoy life in California a little more