How to get super organized using a tickler filing system

For me, Spring is a time when I need to get super organized. There are a lot of things going on- taxes, Summer plans, lots of doctors appointments. Just a ton to remember, from week to week and year to year. My secret weapon? Using a tickler filing system!

43 folders

Getting ready for May with my tickler system

Back when Sophie was born, my usually very organized life started to spin out of control. I was working, I wasn’t sleeping, and there were so many new things to keep track of. That’s when I first stumbled upon the idea of using a tickler filing system. And it all started with Merlin Mann’s concept of 43 Folders– launched in 2004, the year Sophie was born. It must have been fate!

What’s a tickler?

A tickler is quite simply a folder where you keep notes to yourself about the future. In 2004, remember, the time of ubiquitous phones and calendaring apps had not started. Keeping track of upcoming meetings and action items involved…. consulting a marked up list on a yellow legal pad? It was pretty bad.

So for me, using a tickler in the form of 43 folders was a revelation. Finally, all those reminder notes and stickies had a place to go! And all I had to do was

Using a tickler file on a regular basis

Please keep in mind that I am a person who loves paper and pens. So I am quite happy to deal in physical items like manila folders and index cards. You may choose to digitize your tickler, and more power to you. The key is just to get organized and use your system!

What you’ll need

  • Some sort of filing cabinet/box- something like this… You could go with a cardboard version but that’s just a bit too utilitarian for me!

Fabric filing box

  • Folders and hanging holders- this is the heart of the system. You’ll need (surprise!) 43 of each. Yes I realize this means you will have extra leftover. 🙂 But I’ve got some ideas for those below

Rifle Paper Co. file folders

I mentioned these folders in a previous post, but I love my pretty Rifle stationery folders. Pretty paper products is my jam 🙂

Hanging file folders with tabs

Buy a pretty color. I went with lavender.

  • Nice to have: Label machine. You’ll be touching these folders at a minimum weekly, for potentially years to come. Unless your handwriting is lovely, consider making labels for your folders

Brother P-Touch label maker

Setting up your tickler system

It’s quite easy. You need 43 folders in 43 hanging file folders. 1 folder for each of the 12 months, 1 folder for 31 days in a month. 12+31=43. By constantly rotating through the 31 days and the 12 months, you will have covered the entire next year.

Label each folder as such- January, February….1,2,3…. Say it’s May 1st.

  • I’ll open the file cabinet- there’s the May folder right in front, followed by the folders for the 31 days that follow. The May folder holds all the notes etc for the month.
  • I’ll go through all those notes and pop them in the correct day folder.
  • Then tuck the May folder in the very back- it’s now the 43rd folder.
  • I’ll then take a look at the Day 1 folder- for May 1st- and use its contents to plan my day.
  • I pull the folders for the upcoming week, so I can plan the whole week ahead. But if you prefer to consult your ticklers every day, you do you!
  • Finally, this system falls apart if you don’t file notes and action items, bills, other reminders in the day folders (if they are in the next month) or the month folders. For example, I have our estimated tax payment stub and envelope in the June folder, ready for the next deadline.

What to do with those extra folders…

I actually like having a 3-4 extra folders at the front of my filing cabinet for bigger projects/topics. Right now, they are labeled with “Sophie”, “Travel”, and “Bills.” You might have things like “Job Search” or “Home Projects”. Just a landing place for all the bits and bobs that aren’t super time-specific but would otherwise land in a pile on your desk.

You may also want to keep a couple of folders for upcoming years- say 2024-2026, if your life planning stretches that far out.

I know I am a nerd, but I love using a tickler system. I really can’t imagine my life without it. I’m going on 20 years with 43 folders, and there’s a good chance I’ve got another 20-40 to go with it.

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Author: Amy

Living and working in the San Francisco Bay Area in California- I am always on the lookout for ways to enjoy life in California a little more