Preparing for a great mental health day

Y’all, I am taking a mental health day next week. I don’t care that you absolutely must meet on Monday to discuss 2021 objectives or see where I am on a particular project. I have some PTO that’s about to expire, and I’m using it! 🙂

And if you are anything like me, you’ve taken a mental health day and ended up squandering it. Perhaps you filled the day with chores, or you frittered it away with aimless puttering. I’ve done both- and I’m determined to prepare and execute on a great mental health day. I want to go to bed on Monday evening, rested, rejuvenated, and ready to tackle those 2021 objectives!

In doing my research on how to prepare for a great mental health day, I learned that there’s actually an official day- October 10th-for mental health. And you know what? It’s probably a good idea to sprinkle these days in your work calendar 3-4 times a year. March is a good place to start for 2021.

I’m starting with three goals for the day- physical health, time outdoors, and having some fun. And it’s entirely possible to accomplish all three at the same time, depending on where you live. I’m not going to pack the day with activities so I am exhausted by 6pm. And I’m not going to let the fact that Dear Husband and Sophie will be toiling away, since it will be a typical Monday for them. This great mental health day is for me alone.

Physical health

For me, mental health is very connected to physical health. So my day off will involve some strenuous exercise. Perhaps a Peloton class, a swim or a bootcamp. But physical health doesn’t end there. I’ve gotten into the bad habit of taking a quick shower on an average work day and rolling straight into conference calls. Not on my mental health day! I’m going to blow-dry my hair, putting on some non-sweatpants, and generally make an effort. Part of the fun is doing something different. Especially these days, when every day blends into another- there is real value in switching it up.

Spend time outdoors

My sweet dog Cheddar will like this plan- we’re going to do a nice long Monday morning hike. And we’re going off the beaten path- not our typical haunts. It’s my day off! He and I may head over to the Quarry Trail, which leads from Orinda to Oakland. And we may spice it up with a stop at Rick and Ann’s for breakfast. It’s nice to slow down a bit on a free day.

Rancho La Puerta hike
Rancho La Puerta hikes are a great inspiration for getting outside and connecting with nature. This photo is from our trip a year ago, right before the lockdowns started.

Have some fun!

journals and cup of tea

How to have fun is a very personal decision. I figured out long ago that the things that a lot of people consider fun (e.g. football games) are not my cup of tea. I love journaling, paper, pens, and stationery. So my version of having fun during a great mental health day is going to involve writing and playing with my new Japanese watercolors. That’s fun for me- you do you!

(Bonus) Make it easy on yourself

A final bonus suggestion is to outsource the chores and meal prep for the day. It’s not going to feel like a special mental health day if I have to rush home to make dinner for everyone. So I’m getting takeout, and letting Dear Husband do some of my regular chores. (Thanks Dear Husband :))

Have you taken any recent mental health days? Any tips for how to make it successful? Share your thoughts in the comments…

Author: Amy

Living and working in the San Francisco Bay Area in California- I am always on the lookout for ways to enjoy life in California a little more