Prepping for an awesome 2021 with Hobonichi Techo planners

I think we can all agree that it’s a good idea to put 2020 behind us and get a fresh start for 2021. And one way to do that is to get organized and start planning for an awesome year with Hobonichi Techo planners.

close up photo of notebook with pen
I love this photo- perhaps we could all be inspired by some small crystals and a dried orange slice??
Photo by Alina Vilchenko on

What are Hobonichi Techo planners, you may ask? I was in the exact same spot that you are three months ago. Then I read this article about Hobonichi and the 20th anniversary of their famous planners. They are Japanese planners which are released every September and have a cult following. If you don’t believe me, check out the subreddit or #hobonichi on Instagram. Be careful… you very well may want to join the cult too!

Having spent the past 3 months being indoctrinated into the cult, I can say with some confidence that there are three main selling points to the Hobonichi. I’ve got the A5 size (the Cousin, for those in the know) but these apply for all sizes of Hobonichi Techo planners.

1. The Tomoe River paper

I had no idea what Tomoe River paper was until I experienced it first hand, but now, I can never go back. It is very thin but strong paper that handles fountain pen ink like a champ. And you know how I feel about good quality pens and paper. It’s a pleasure just flipping through the thin but slightly crinkly pages. And in case you are wondering, yes there are ASMR videos doing exactly that.

2. Flexible and generous format

Hobonichi Techo planners give you a lot of space to organize and track your life in a multitude of ways. I am constantly amazed at the variety and creativity of the layouts. But in short, you get 1 page per day and 2 page spreads for each month, each six month block and each week.

That’s over 400 pages in a pretty compact form- thanks to the thin Tomoe River paper. You can use these pages as you like, of course, and because the dates/times are printed in very light ink, you can ignore the structure completely and do your own thing. I use the monthly spreads infrequently; the 2 page spread per six months is perfect for my habit tracking. Because the weekly spreads are large, I use them for both meal planning and logging my exercise. And there is enough space on the daily pages to cover all the things I need to get done. Plus there is some room for doodles, washi, quotes and other bits and bobs.

one page in a hobonichi
A typical weekday in my Hobonichi Techo planner

3. It’s very Japanese and very quirky (if you want it to be)

You’ll notice the Japanese quote on the page in the photo above. Yes, it’s in Japanese and I have no idea what it says. (There’s an opportunity for someone to start a service that emails a daily translation to anyone who doesn’t read Japanese. You’re welcome!) And if you go on the Hobonichi website, you’ll see the fun colors, characters, patterns that are part of the Hobonichi world. There are a myriad of covers, some very plain and some very out-there. Check out this Steiff fuzzy bear cover from last year’s collection. Their collaborations are lots of fun, and I’ve been introduced to new artists and brands, like Mira Perohnen.

I know it’s late in the year and you may have already figured out how you will be planning in 2021. But if you haven’t, do give the Hobonichi Techo planners a try. Of course you can order them from Japan, but if you are looking for a more immediate fix, check out Amazon. They’ve got a decent (although incomplete) selection. You could order the planner, get started, and figure out the cover and accessories over the next couple of weeks. That’s the fun part, after all!

Hobonichi Techno Cousin planner, January 2021 start

Hobonichi Techo Cousin planner with green gingham cover

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Author: Amy

Living and working in the San Francisco Bay Area in California- I am always on the lookout for ways to enjoy life in California a little more