Visiting Choosing Keeping in London- what a beautiful shop!

One of the most anticipated parts of our recent trip to England was visiting Choosing Keeping in London. I’ve written about their wonderful stationery and beautifully wrapped online orders a couple of times. So it was a real treat to visit the actual shop in person.

Choosing Keeping London

The Choosing Keeping store is on a lovely quiet street in Soho. I added it on as a stop on a very full day, along with visits to the London Transport Museum and several other highlights. Wimbledon was on that day, and we passed by a nice little viewing area in Convent Garden- run by Pimm’s, I think.

Pimm’s Cup was available, as was strawberries and cream. Very civilized!

But we were not distracted by the tennis! 🙂 We kept walking and made our way to the shop. It was pretty exciting to be visiting Choosing Keeping, as a stationery fan girl.

Choosing Keeping London
Choosing Keeping London

The shop was fairly busy, which is always good to see, and I got a chance to peruse all the items I’ve been drooling over online. The mochaware pen pots were particularly appealing- but Dear Husband dissuaded me from buying one on the spot. It was early in our trip, and lugging around a fragile piece of ceramics for the next 3 weeks didn’t sounds like a good idea. But it’s sitting in my online shopping cart right now!

Choosing Keeping London
Choosing Keeping London

Let’s be frank, some of the items are Choosing Keeping can be found at places as pedestrian as Amazon. But we have to support wonderful small businesses like this (and sometimes pay a bit more.) If not, well, they just won’t be there anymore.

It’s the 10th anniversary of Choosing Keeping (although I would have thought the store was a lot older than that- it has a very nice, antique vibe.) So what better time for visiting Choosing Keeping in London? That said, they have a terrific website and of course, they package their orders so beautifully. And add the shop to your to-do list for your next visit to the wonderful city of London.

Choosing Keeping, 21 Tower St, London WC2H 9NS, United Kingdom

Author: Amy

Living and working in the San Francisco Bay Area in California- I am always on the lookout for ways to enjoy life in California a little more