Wonderful exhibit on the Tudors at the Legion of Honor

It’s the final two weeks of the exhibit on the Tudors at the Legion of Honor. Not sure why we didn’t get there sooner, but it was a busy summer! But here’s your final notice that this wonderful exhibit will be departing San Francisco on September 24th. So hightail it into San Francisco to check it out.

exhibit of the Tudors

The exhibit on the Tudors, titled “The Tudors: Art and Majesty in Renaissance England”, comes to San Francisco after stops at the Met in NYC and the Cleveland Fine Art Museum. And it coincides nicely with my rewatch of The Tudors, the terrific Showtime series on Henry VIII that premiered in 2007. If it’s been a while since you’ve seen it, I definitely recommend a rewatch. It holds up!

It does help to have some background on the history and the family tree. So take a few minutes to review the wikipedia article on the topic before you head into to see the exhibit on the Tudors.

Tudors family tree

The Legion of Honor, one of my favorite museums (perhaps anywhere??), is a great setting for this fine exhibit. It’s not too large, and the setting and building are just lovely. And there’s a large courtyard in front of the entrance, where people were really getting into the spirit of the Renaissance.

There were even 4-5 people in the exhibit of the Tudors in costume. I heard someone say that if you wore a costume, you received free admission. I think the costume rental would cost more than the ticket!

The art was really spectacular and shows the amount of wealth the royal family had.

I really liked the painting of this fellow. Of course, I didn’t capture anything about him- so you’ll have to check out the exhibit in order to learn more 🙂

The gift shop offerings were a bit sad-other than the Christmas ornaments selection. I think Kate has the six wives ornaments. Otherwise, I don’t really need any of the junky items or t-shirts being sold. Sorry, just being honest. I’m not a fan of Renaissance England decor for our house, I guess.

The exhibit was a lovely way to wrap up Sophie’s time at home before she headed back to Boston. We went to Yank Sing for dim sum afterwards and had a great 1/2 day in the city.

The Tudors: Art and Majesty in Renaissance England at the Legion of Honor in San Francisco, through September 24th, 2023

Author: Amy

Living and working in the San Francisco Bay Area in California- I am always on the lookout for ways to enjoy life in California a little more