Things to do now before your Fall closet switchover

We’re at least 6 weeks away from the Fall closet switchover here in Northern California. Just when you think it’s time to get the sweaters out, Indian summer arrives. And with it can come the hottest temperatures of the year. However, there are a few tasks that really need to be done now (or even in August- gasp!) if you want to be prepared for the Fall closet switchover.

clothing for ThredUp
A very full box head to ThredUp

I always get excited about Fall clothes, like a lot of people. Sweaters, jeans, scarves, loafers. These are my favorite items! But I try to restrain myself from doing my Fall closet switchover too early. It’s just frustrating to see those cozy sweaters hanging there when it’s 90 degrees and smoky outside. However, as much as I try to wait, the fashion and logistical calendar does not wait for me to be ready on November 1st.

People seem to be doing more Fall shopping as early as July. And the tailor near my house is already getting very busy- she quoted me three weeks for a simple hemming job. Heaven forbid that I need something more significant done. So I need to get my act together sooner rather than later.

Evaluate what you’ve got for more efficient shopping

It is easy to be tempted by the new items online and in the shops. And the sad truth is that I am remarkably consistent in what I like. Grey sweaters, navy sweaters. New ones look so appealing! And I forget that I already have 3-4 of each in my storage bins. It can be immensely efficient to discover this fact BEFORE I purchase another one of each.

Another trick which I have not used but which is perfect for those of you who are super organized: create an inventory of all your clothes. It can be as detailed or as simple as you like- but it would definitely save you from purchasing duplicates (or triplicates!)

Ship off your The RealReal and ThredUp items

ThredUp is taking 2+ months to process anything you send in (and that was for items I sent in July). The RealReal takes 3-4 weeks. People are buying Fall clothes NOW. So you do the calendar math- you are going to get top dollar if you send off your items now, rather than in November. Ideally, I would have done this in July/August- but lesson learned for next year.

Two boxes on their way to The RealReal

My strategy in September? I know I’ll get more money from TRR, so I prioritize getting those items out the door. Then focus on ThredUp items.

Invariably, TRR will return something for not being “up to snuff.” So then I’ll drop that in a second ThredUp box and hope for the best. At best, I’ll see most payments come in in December/January.

packing tape gun
An online shopper’s best friend ๐Ÿ™‚

Get to the cobbler and tailor

I know, I know, I should have taken those loafers to the shoe cobbler back in April. But I was focused on sandals back then ๐Ÿ™‚ So here we are, it’s time for a trip to the cobbler. The upside of the shoe cobbler is that the turnaround time isn’t bad- frankly, I think most people just throw old shoes away these days. But the downside is that it’s not going to be cheap.

The tailor, while not cheap, seems more reasonably priced. But the turnaround time is LONG. And I feel bad being a grump about it, seeing the poor woman surrounded by piles of clothing as she labors at her sewing machine! So do both of you a favor and get there now, so you have your perfectly fitting items ready in October.

There is an upside to getting organized earlier

The upside is that the job of Fall closet switchover is going to be considerably easier than if I had to do all of this in one long weekend. When I do get in there with my tubs of sweaters and jackets, I won’t have to sort through it for the stuff I want to donate or sell. And I won’t have bought yet another navy blue cashmere sweater because I forgot that I already owned 3 (true story!)

So follow my lead and dive into your Fall wardrobe while you have a bit of time this month. I promise, you’ll be glad you did.

Author: Amy

Living and working in the San Francisco Bay Area in California- I am always on the lookout for ways to enjoy life in California a little more

One thought on “Things to do now before your Fall closet switchover”

  1. And all of it is enhanced by taking up several more feet of closet space at Dear Husbandโ€™s expense! All those Fall clothes gotta go somewhere!๐Ÿ˜

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