Preparing for a great mental health day

Y’all, I am taking a mental health day next week. I don’t care that you absolutely must meet on Monday to discuss 2021 objectives or see where I am on a particular project. I have some PTO that’s about to expire, and I’m using it! 🙂

And if you are anything like me, you’ve taken a mental health day and ended up squandering it. Perhaps you filled the day with chores, or you frittered it away with aimless puttering. I’ve done both- and I’m determined to prepare and execute on a great mental health day. I want to go to bed on Monday evening, rested, rejuvenated, and ready to tackle those 2021 objectives!

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Appreciating the amazing benefits of breathing correctly

I know what you are thinking: “I must be breathing correctly- I’m alive, aren’t I?” Well, yes, that’s certainly true. But there’s been a lot of news and information lately about how many of us don’t breathe correctly (myself included.) And if you’ve ever done any breathing exercises or tried to “follow the breath” during meditation, you can appreciate how much better you’ll feel when you pay just a little more attention to something so simple. I’ll share a bit of what I’ve learned about the benefits of breathing correctly.

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All the props you need to get the most out of restorative yoga

A recent rediscovery for me has been restorative yoga. In the past month, I’ve realized how much I miss it. I like to do it after work. It helps me wind down my day and gives me some time to meditate. I want to share some yoga props you will need to get the most out of restorative yoga.

meditating with candles and incense
Photo by Elly Fairytale on
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How to set up a daily routine for productivity and wellness

As we kick off 2021, it seems like a good time to re-evaluate our routines to make sure they are still serving us. It’s easy to get in a rut where we just continue our usual patterns. But instead of just chugging along, let’s use this time to discard what’s not working and try out some new habits. This is the kind of new year’s “resolution” I can get behind- no rejection of carbs or commitments to run 15 miles a week in sight! And my daily routine may give you some ideas for making 2021 your best year yet.

I like to think of my daily routine as doing two things: First, helping me kick start my productivity for the rest of the day and second, bringing me ever closer to feeling healthy and well. And I can see myself doing most of these activities for the rest of my life (as long as they continue to make me feel good about my progress!)

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How to start journaling- easy and low commitment

If you read this blog even occasionally, you will know that I have been trying a lot of new things during this COVID period. From getting seriously into typewriters to exploring the world of cool stationery, I’ve gone deep (and spent some money along the way!) I guess given my love of paper and pens, journaling is a natural fit for me. And I want to share how to get started with journaling in an easy way. No huge commitments required!

The benefits of journaling seem to be getting a lot of press these days. I guess it’s no surprise, since there seem to be a lot of people struggling financially, mentally and health-wise. And along with meditation, all the cool people seem to be journaling. I’ve kept a journal off and on since high school… and it’s been a little more “off” than “on” recently.

But in my recent efforts to keep my sanity and work on being a better person, journaling seemed to something to consider re-adding to my tool kit. So a few months ago, I picked it up again. And I’ve got some tips for dipping your toes into it, without a huge financial or time commitment.

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How we’re keeping sane during the pandemic

This period is rough on all of us, for a lot of different reasons. Keeping sane during the pandemic can be hard; health, financial, educational, social and other worries are on our minds. There doesn’t seem to be an end to it in sight. I’d like to share some of the things I am doing to manage my mental well-being during this time. These are no substitute for professional help from a therapist or doctor, so don’t hesitate to reach to one if you need it. This isn’t the time to hope you can just “muscle through” this crazy time.

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